A Realm Reborn
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π² indicates a . π indicates a Landmine Spawn.
Mine Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil. π²
The Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil mining node spawns in Middle La Noscea between the hours of 7 PM and 10 PM Eorzean Time.
You cannot gather from legendary nodes on other worlds.
Croque-mitaine Spawn Locations
Stand, walk or fly over the spawn point after 5 PM Eorzean Time on a full moon. π
Spawns on its own after 200 minutes of dry weather in the zone.
Harvest La Noscean Leeks. π²
The La Noscean Leek node spawns in Western La Noscea between the hours of 8 AM and 11 AM Eorzean Time.
Use Solid Reason/Ageless Words + Wise to the World to maximize gathering attempts.
You cannot gather from legendary nodes on other worlds.
Stand, walk or fly over the spawn point with any minion summoned. π
Chance of spawning when a player dies. π²
Methods of achieving death include using a low level job to die to mobs, unequipping gear and syncing to FATEs, using self-destruct as a blue mage, or aggroing a mob before jumping from a lethal height.
Don't forget to set your Home Point to the nearest aetheryte for multiple attempts.
Spawns on its own after 30 minutes of rain in Central Shroud.
Initiate a Battlecraft or Grand Company levequest in East Shroud. π²
Leves do not need to be completed. They can be initiated and abandoned for multiple, quick attempts at a spawn.
Travel over the spawn point after 12 AM on a new moon. π
Catch a Judgeray. π²
Judgerays can be caught at the Fallgourd Float fishing hole using a Wildfowl Fly between the hours of 5 PM and 9 PM Eorzean Time.
Fish Eyes can be used to catch Judgerays outside their normal hours.
Thousand-Cast Theda Spawn Locations
Catch a Glimmerscale. π²
Glimmerscales can be caught at the Nophica's Wells fishing hole using Butterworms whenever the weather is Clear or Fair skies.
Eat any food over the spawn point. π
Initiate a Battlecraft or Grand Company levequest in Eastern Thanalan. π²
Leves do not need to be completed. They can be initiated and abandoned for multiple, quick attempts at a spawn.
Complete all FATEs in Southern Thanalan for 1 hour without letting any fail or despawn.
NPC-initiated FATEs despawn after 10 minutes and count as failed if they are not initiated and completed.
Some boss FATEs can be completed quickly using blue mage actions such as Doom or the Ram's Voice / Ultravibration combo.
When the hidden timer is passed, it will check if the past hour had no fates fail. This means starting Nunyunuwi ~90% through the window will guarantee that it will spawn once it reaches cap.
Kill 100 Earth Sprites.
The FATE Core Blimey spawns endless Earth Sprites up until its time runs out or enough FATE items are turned into the NPC and can be used to kill 100 Earth Sprites quickly without having to travel around the zone.
Use Puni Marker to locate the mobs and keep track of kill amounts.
Open a chest from a treasure map in Mor Dhona. π²
Boarskin, Peisteskin, Toadskin, Unhidden Leather, and Mysterious Maps can all be used to spawn Agrippa so long as their treasure is located in Mor Dhona.
Mysterious Maps can be obtained from Auriana for 75 Tomestones of Poetics after progressing any Zodiac Weapon to the Alexandrite stage.
Use Teamcraft's Treasure Map Finder to locate where your treasure is.
Agrippa the Mighty Spawn Locations
Drop to 1 HP by taking fall damage. π²
You can have any amount of HP before falling and do not need to heal or wait to jump again and make another attempt.